Sunday, March 2, 2008

grilled fish with yogurt

another healthy recipe for hubby (and we enjoyed them as well)..recipe taken from Nutriweb...tasted very nice but a bit hot...i recommend you to reduce the chilli powder if you cannot stand spice hot food...

500 g (5 medium size pcs) tenggiri/merah fish
20 g (2 tsps) chilli powder
5 g (1/2 tsp) turmeric powder
10 g (1 tsp) ground black pepper
10 g (1 tsp) fish curry powder
1/4 cup low fat yogurt
10 g (1 tsp) tomato puree
5 g (1/2) lime
10 g (1 tbsp) vegetable oil
3 g (1 tsp) salt

blended finely
30 g (6 pips) garlic
90 g (1) onion
10 g (1 cm) ginger

2 tsps spring onions, chopped
2 tsps coriander leaves, chopped
1 tomato, sliced finely
1/2 cucumber, sliced finely
2 salad leaves, shredded

Cut diagonal strips on fish, and marinate with salt and lime juice for 1/2 hour.
Mix blended ingredients, yogurt, chilli powder, curry powder, tomato puree, turmeric powder and ground black pepper.
Marinete fish with 2/3 of yogurt mixure for 1 hour.
Grill fish until golden brown on both sides. Baste fish with the remaining yogurt sauce from time to time.
Decorate with garnishing.
Serve with vegetables and naan or rice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salam ezura, sedapnya grilled fish with yogurt menu tuk diet jek! Amboii baru balik jalan2 makan angin ke...sempat lg masak ek..